Economic Update
GDP 4Q23: Looking forward external demand to support 2024’s growth
Mon, 19-Feb-2024 08:01 am
by Jayden Tan • Apex Research

Another quarter of subpar growth. Malaysia 4Q23 Real GDP expanded +3.0% yoy, marking a slight slowdown (vs 3Q23: +3.3% yoy) recorded in the preceding quarter, primarily due to declining exports. Full-year GDP for 2023 recorded slight growth of +3.7% yoy. While the said growth rate was sharply lower against +8.7% yoy recorded in 2022, the figure was in tune with the average across ASEAN countries. Considering seasonal adjustments, the Malaysian economy rose +2.0% qoq (vs 3Q23: +2.36%). The aforementioned performance fell below both the markets’ and our in-house expectations, which ranged from +3.4% to +3.5% yoy. This was mainly attributed to sluggish exports throughout the quarter, stemming from persistent weakness in external demand, coupled with robust imports.

Sluggish trade performance. In October to December period, Malaysia's exports fell by -6.3% yoy, while imports declined -2.9% yoy. This led to a -3.2% yoy decrease in trade, with the trade surplus contracting approximately 46% yoy. On a brighter note, household spending remained the key driver of Malaysia’s economy, supported by an improved labour market and easing cost pressures (the unemployment rate in 4Q23 was at 3.6% compared to 3.4% in 3Q23). Meanwhile, on the supply side, the Services sector remained as the primary driving force behind economic growth, while all other sectors, except for Manufacturing, saw positive growth. Private final consumption expenditure and Gross fixed capital formation were the main driving forces on the demand side.

Sentiment: Positive
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